Text & Performance




Performance Styles

The way in which the plot is conveyed in a performance: sometimes to a particular philosophy of performance, sometimes to an historic period.

Theatrical Conventions

Things done on stage by the actors which contribute to an overall performance style

Theatrical ConventionDefinitionRelated Performance Style
BurleComic banter or verbal game playing; ‘spin’ to mockCommedia dell’Arte, stand-up comedy, clowning
BurlesqueAny ludicrous take-off or debasing caricature, To burlesque …(a person) to create a mocking representationGreek &, Roman Comedy, cabaret, farce, satire, Absurd theatre
CaricatureExaggeration of character that is often ludicrous or grotesque, using voice, gesture and movementMelodrama, Roman Comedy, Commedia dell’Arte, Story- telling, cartoons, Asian styles
Character transformationThe actor plays more than one role, shifting from one to another without going off stage. Transformation is made using expressive skills, characterization, use of props and costume.Story-telling, Documentary Theatre, Realism.
Psycho/social characterizationActor portrays an in-depth psychologically rounded characterNaturalism & Realism
ChorusUse of a group in performance, to comment on the plot or action of a play, usually using heightened use of language, direct address, stylized and choreographed movement and tableau.Greek Drama, Medieval Drama, Epic Theatre
Continuous time sequenceDramatic structure follows a continuous time pattern, possibly using real timeNaturalism, Realism
Disjointed time sequenceDramatic structure that does not unfold chronologically. Past, present and future events are performed in a non- sequential order.Story-telling, Epic Theatre, Modern Realism
Direct addressThe actor speaks directly to the audience, either as their character or as the actor stepping out of character.Stand-up comedy, Epic Theatre (Brecht), circus, Realism, Greek Theatre
Dramatic metaphorHeightened symbolic use of word, object or gesture beyond the literal meaning.Greek theatre, physical theatre, Symbolist Theatre, Total Theatre, Epic theatre
Audience EndowmentThe audience is constructed by the actor as a particular group of people, usually through direct address. E.g. audience as citizens of Vienna in Measure for MeasureElizabethan Theatre, Greek Theatre, Epic Theatre, story- telling, Stand-up comedy, cabaret, clowning, realism
DocumentaryUse of reported or researched fact to convey a particular set of views or ideas.Cabaret, Epic Theatre, Realism.
Exaggerated MovementAction that is deliberately overstated for a dramatic purpose, often for purposes of ridicule.Clowning, Commedia Dell’ Arte, Greek Theatre
Fourth WallOften called ‘slice of life’, a style dependent on the life-like representation of everyday life. No manipulation of time or space. Audience not recognized.Naturalism and Realism
Heightened use of languagePoetic or exaggerated use of language. Includes choice of words whose syntax, alliteration and rhyming patterns lead to heightened delivery.Greek theatre, Epic Theatre, various non-naturalistic
Heightened use of movementRitualized, dance-like movement sequences either individually or in a group, often using repetition, symbolic gesturePhysical Theatre, Greek Theatre, Medieval Theatre, Opera, Kabuki, Noh Drama, Asian performance styles, realism.
Implied characterActor creates a sense of another person being present or addressedMonologues, realism
Implied spaceActor creates a sense of a particular environment through voice and actionMonologues, Realism, Elizabethan Theatre, Story- telling, Epic theatre, Non- Naturalistic styles
Lazzo/ Lazzi (pl.)A short comic routine based in a single ludicrous idea, often using sight gags, or slapstick.Commedia Dell’ Arte, other comedy.
LyricalUse of verse, heightened song or movement, including the use of poetic imageryGreek Drama, Musicals. Opera, Asian performance styles, Elizabethan Theatre
MaskUse of false noses, half masks, or full masks, for purposes of caricature, stereo-type, abstraction, or ready identification with known characters.Clowning, Greek drama, Commedia dell’ Arte, Noh Drama, Kabuki, Other Asian performance styles
MimeUnvoiced physical performance implying object and spaceRealism and non-naturalistic
MontageJuxtaposition of dramatic images or vignettes often presented in rapid succession uses: introduction of ideas summary of characters/events/actions.Story-telling, visual theatre, epic theatre, other non- naturalistic styles.
NarrationDirect address where plot elements are conveyedStory-telling, Epic Theatre, Stand-up, Realism
PuppetryUse of objects or puppets as charactersBlack Theatre, Visual Theatre, Shadow Puppetry, Bunraku (Japanese), Object Theatre, Asian styles
SatireUse of sarcasm, irony and ridicule in denouncing, exposing or deriding vice, folly and abuse.Cabaret, stand-up comedy, Farce, Clowning, Sitcoms
SlapstickComedy technique using physical humor, often stage violenceClowning, Cabaret
Stillness and SilenceAbsence of sound or movement to enhance dramatic effectAll styles
SoliloquyMonologue addressed to self to argue an issue. Usually has a thesis/antithesis or argument structureElizabethan Theatre, especially Shakespeare
SongUse of song to break up or comment upon a narrative or plotOpera, Musicals, Epic Theatre, Music Hall, Cabaret
Stereo-typeCharacterization that uses highly recognizable simplistic or clichéd character elements for dramatic purpose.Melodrama, Commedia Dell’ Arte, Agitprop, Sketch comedy. Cartoons, Cabaret
Transformation of placeThe actor creates more than one place or setting without the use of scenery. This may be achieved using transformation of props or through use of expressive skills.Story-telling
Transformation of objectA prop is used to represent more than one objectStory-telling and design styles which require minimal set.
Use of symbolMinimalist focus on objects to represent ideasRealism, & Non-naturalistic styles, Ritual Theatre

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